All posts with label

Header: nvim-fold

Automatically folding Python docstrings in Neovim

Python docstrings are extremely suitable to be folded, and folding docstrings makes Python code cleaner. This can be achieved in Neovim without plugin, just with built-in foldexpr and tree-sitter.

Playing sound with Qt in Python: Error decoding source

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The correct way for playing sound with PySide6 and fixing the "error decoding source".

Use pipenv and poetry in a way that works

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Strange as the title is, they just don't work conveniently "out of box"

异步 & 异步获取命令输出

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与 JavaScript 的异步对比,初步了解 Python 的异步,并通过异步获取命令输出“实战”

我为什么要选 Flask?

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注意,这里不是说 Flask 有多好,而是。。用 Flask 用到怀疑人生!