All posts with label

Header: pi-sgp30

House air quality monitoring with Raspberry Pi and SGP30

Connect SGP30 to your raspi and send data to InfluxDB and Grafana with Python. And then set up alerting in Grafana.

Header: influxdb-downsample

Downsampling with existing data with InfluxDB

Setting up continuous query and retention policy for downsampling with existing data in InfluxDB 1.x.

Header: iot-sensors-setup

Building IoT sensor dashboard with Grafana on Raspberry Pi

We are going to connect the DHT11 sensor to a Raspberry Pi and send the sensor data to InfluxDB, and build a beautiful dashboard with Grafana!

树莓派太贵?不如试试 Mini PC

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树莓派的价格近期被炒得老高,原本以便宜打遍市场的树莓派已然没有什么竞争优势。这里简单讨论一些处于现在树莓派价位的替代品——Mini PC

Too many containers may cause random IPv6 loss on Raspi

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Raspi's IPv6 randomly disappears, but other devices are fine? Maybe you have spun up too many Docker containers!

Jupyter on Raspberry Pi

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Install Wolfram With Jupyter

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Tricks about Raspberry Pi

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Handy tricks when playing with raspberry pi. You should know them.