The correct way for playing sound with PySide6 and fixing the "error decoding source".
If the resource request takes too much time to complete, self.skipWaiting()
may not work properly.
This essay presents my view of OSS: how it develops and grows, and how it benefits individuals and companies. It's a new way of developing software.
Yes, very simple and... violent. It's about compiling your own copy of Fenix.
这是一篇(尽量)新手向的文章,以 VSCode, Python, JavaScript (Vue) 为例,介绍编辑器的功能和配置。
The story of mirrors, ipv6, and yarn 2
It's known to all that compiling is hard. Just record it.
How I am tring to build a nice gridsome-generated site with PWA support
虽然可以勉强并入“用 Vue 做 PWA”系列,但想着能让更多人看到,就还是用国际语言吧
虽然前两节的内容足以写出能用的 service worker,但是如果深入细节,仍然会有一些“匪夷所思”的现象发生。