Intl 是个好东西,但是还不是很强大,浏览器支持上也有 Node 和 Android 的小缺憾。
Although Python and JavaScript share a lot of similarities and are both learning from each other, there are still some important differences to notice.
与 JavaScript 的异步对比,初步了解 Python 的异步,并通过异步获取命令输出“实战”
Vue 党快速上手 PWA
接近原生 App 体验,手势是少不了的。但是无论是 Vue 还是 Vuetify 对手势的支持并不好,于是需要 Hammer.js 支持。
Setup and introduce Tmux so that I can use it
Useful tips when SSH in remote device which uses tmux
Handy tricks when playing with raspberry pi. You should know them.
Why GPG key keeps annoying me! 整天 Fail 有意思吗?
There is no summary for this post.
注意,这里不是说 Flask 有多好,而是。。用 Flask 用到怀疑人生!