If you want to create a simple PDF book using Jupyter notebooks, you probably don't need advanced tools like Quarto and JupyterBook.
Creating publication-ready figures with Matplotlib requires careful attention. With tips shared in this post, you can produce professional and polished figures suitable for academic publishing.
从安装到数组运算、自动微分、网络搭建等多个方面,分析 PyTorch、TensorFlow、JAX 这三个神经网络框架的特色和优劣。
当今科研界,NumPy 和 SciPy 已经成为了用 Python 做科学计算和数据分析的“标准库”。目前有大量项目使用它们,其中不乏一些知名项目。而我们不禁要问,NumPy 和 SciPy 是如何达到今天的成就的?
It seems simple to use Supervisor to start multiple JupyterLab instances and a Caddy reverse proxy to access them. But there are some tricks to know, especially used with uv for environment management.
Break reminders often demand an immediate pause in my work, which can be quite annoying. I frequently find myself mindlessly skipping or postponing breaks, rendering all the reminders ineffective. This led me to create Sane Break, an alternative break reminder.
Python docstrings are extremely suitable to be folded, and folding docstrings makes Python code cleaner. This can be achieved in Neovim without plugin, just with built-in foldexpr and tree-sitter.
There are many way to customize Markdown rendering, including direct RegExp replacements, remark + rehype, and direct rendering the Markdown AST. The last approach can turn plain Markdown documents to full components and is the most powerfull one.
由于闭源的安卓输入法既不隐私也不安全, 所以我尝试把输入法换成开源替代. 目前安卓上的开源输入法主要有 Trime (安卓同文输入法) 和 fcitx5-android (小企鹅输入法) 两个. 本文对它们进行了比较, 分析了各自的优缺点, 最后推荐使用 fcitx5-android.
Sans-serif fonts are better for figures. Various of ways to typeset LaTeX math in sans-serif font are compared. Based on the results, sansmathfonts is recommended for use.